LC Competition 2022 — Launch Canada

Registration is now closed for our 2025 competition. Thank you all for applying!

Opening Day


Setup began on day one for volunteers of the Launch Canada team as they had much work ahead of themselves. Volunteers and staff headed down to the launch site location which is located about 40 mins from the main Stardust festivities and started construction of a launch control tower, a location for teams to set up, an area for inspection of the vehicles, the launch rails, and a giant tent.

Team Preparations

The teams showed up and filled in the staging area where they assembled their vehicles and prepped them for inspection. Team members gathered for a safety speech led by Shane the range and safety officer before anyone was able to fly.

Vehicle Inspection

On the rail

After a team had their vehicle inspected, they would bring their vehicle to the launch site located a safe distance away. They would then fasten their vehicle to the launch rail and install the electronic match at would be ignited from the launch control tower. Observers were able to stand in a safe location that had a clear view of the launch pad’s location just after lift-off.


RockÉTS was the first team to leave the rail in the competition and led with a flawless flight. The teams made it feel as if it was less of a competition and more of a community that worked together to help each other get off the rail. Some teams even lent out parts from their flown vehicle to try and assist others. Although there was the competition element, this was much more and the start of something great.

Launch Canada Competition Summary - 2022

Launch Canada Winners:

Advanced Category:

1st Place - The University of Toronto
2nd Place - The University of British Columbia (UBC)

Basic Category:
1st Place - RockÉTS (ETS)
2nd Place - University of Victoria (UVIC)
3rd Place - Arbalest Rocketry

Spirit Bear:
Queens University

Duck - RockÉTS (ETS)
Pool Noodle - The University of British Columbia (UBC)

Adam Trumpour

Teams of 2022


UVIC Rocketry

Arbalest Rocketry


UAlberta STARR

McMaster Rocketry

UTAT Rocketry

UBC Rocketry